The AIM vision is every member in the Body of Christ knowing and functioning in their ministry call from God. Each minister is teamed with other members who have the same ministry call upon their lives. All function as a team in the gifts and power of His Holy Spirit; empowering us to achieve results within our ministry.

The result is to be bringing lost souls into a growing, healthy, organized and functioning Body of Christ. God wants us to see the fullness of the stature of the Body of Christ. We will all bring supply (strength and encouragement) to each other within the Body of Christ. We will network together as a team; “The sleeping giant awakening; arising to holiness, righteousness, power and mobility.”

Col. 4:17 “…take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.” God’s perfect will is that each believer contributes to the Body of Christ in the ministry that He has placed them.

Too often today’s churches are filled with people who sit in a pew on Sunday and never develop the gifts God provides and callings that God has placed on their lives. The result is personal frustration and spiritual weakness in each individual’s walk.


I Cor 12:18 – “God has placed each and every individual in the Body as it has pleased HIM.” God desires that the Body of Christ understands and grows in their ministry gift and calling that He has placed on their life. He wants us, His Body, the Church, to be equipped to touch our hurting world with His life. John 17:18 – “As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.”

The AIM Ministry is a ministry that incorporates every member of every congregation to reach their potential in Christ and this ministry activates, releases and mobilizes ALL into their specific ministry. This ministry is to help equip the people to live a life with no regrets.

AIM, Active In Ministry provides teaching and administration designed to give understanding of each member’s ministry call, develops Ministry Life Groups and activates each minister into their community through Ministry Outreach Teams. Once implemented, AIM, through the leaders of your own local church will continue to bring unity, healthy growth ( both individually and corporately), and a fully functioning free flowing mobile Body of Christ within each local church.




Ephesians 4:11-16 – “…and He gave some, apostles; and some prophets; and some evangelists; and some pastors and teachers; for the perfecting (full development into maturity) of the saints, for the work of the ministry (your ministry), for the edifying (building up/strengthening) of the Body of Christ: until we all come into the unity of the faith, (there is power in unity) and of the knowledge of the Son of God, (experiential knowledge of His character through an intimate relationship with God’s Holy Spirit) unto a perfect (mature) man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (the whole Body of Christ healthy and functioning) … but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into Him in all things, which is the head – even Christ from whom the whole body fitly joined together (unity) and compacted by that which every joint supplies, (flowing strength to each other) according to the effectual working (full of Holy Spirit power to achieve results) in the measure of every part (everyone doing their share as they are active in their ministry), makes increase of the Body (lost souls being saved) unto the edifying (strengthening and building up) of itself in love.”


The church at large is accustomed to being status quo; but God has always desired unity and mobility in His church, His army, His Body. This unity and mobility through the power of His Holy Spirit changes the local church members’ interactions with each other. We begin to see the ministry call of each person. No longer knowing each other after the flesh i.e. our past sin; but we knowing each other after the Spirit and our label is our Ministry call from God (the Minister of Service, or Intercession, or Prophet, or Hospitality, etc.).

God has given His ‘marching orders’ to bring unity to the entire Body of Christ. Unity teams us together for the harvesting of souls in the United State of America and the world. The AIM Ministry teaches the army of God how to get into God’s rank and file and how to be a healthy, prepared for the harvest, organized and functioning Body. This unified Body of Christ is ready to be thrust into His harvest field. We are organized and ready to receive the increase of this great harvest of souls into His Body, the local church. All glory and honor to Jesus!!

Through this UNITY We will enter into a new height of worship we have not entered before. II Chronicles 5:13!! Because we have been enjoying being active in our ministry all week; we will have overflowing hearts of gratitude and thanksgiving to the Lord and we will move from the outer courts of praise into the Holy of Holy’s experiencing what it means to worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. We will have Minister’s of Worship to usher all into the very presence of God. His presence will fill our temple.


The Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers are responsible to serve the Body of Christ and prepare each saint for their ministry work. The five-fold ministers are humble servants of God ministering the Word of God, ensuring the Christian maturity of the saints by delegating authority to the saints so they can be actively effective in their Ministry with the Spiritual gifts that are given to all flowing freely through them as they touch the lives of others. Each saint knows what God has put into his/her heart.

The AIM Ministry works with local churches. Every member in the Body of Christ is essential to the health and function of the Body. We want you to know how important you are to the whole Body!


God has this vision of the Body of Christ, His Body, at every local church knowing their ministry call and being active in their ministry and going into the harvest field in the dynamic of teams. God would have us all appreciate, encourage, and love each other. Through the AIM Ministry all members are taught how to team and witness to the lost together in the power of His Holy Spirit. Each team of ministers brings His life into our communities through the power of the Holy Spirit in the AIM Ministry Outreach Teams.


Being Active in Ministry is our AIM and being used effectively by the Holy Spirit to save lost souls is our GOAL!


AIM: Mobilizing The Body of Christ!

